
As we age or face mobility challenges, having the right chair can make a significant difference in our daily lives. In this article, we will explore the key factors to consider when choosing a riser chair, the various types available, customisation options, safety considerations, and more.

So, let’s delve into the world of riser chairs and discover how they can improve your comfort and mobility.

Benefits of a Riser Chair

Also known as riser recliner chairs, riser chairs offer a multitude of benefits that go beyond mere seating. Let’s explore some of these advantages:

Enhancing Comfort and Mobility

Riser chairs are designed to provide exceptional comfort while offering assistance in getting up or sitting down. With features like adjustable recline angles, supportive cushions, and ergonomic designs, these chairs ensure optimal comfort for extended periods of sitting. Additionally, the riser function allows users to easily transition from a seated to a standing position, promoting independence and mobility.

Promoting Independence and Confidence With a Riser Chair

One of the key benefits of a riser chair is the ability to regain independence and confidence in everyday activities. By providing the necessary support and assistance, riser chairs eliminate the need for assistance from others when getting up or sitting down. This independence can significantly improve self-esteem and overall well-being.

Reducing Strain and Risk of Injury

Riser chairs are designed with ergonomic considerations to reduce strain on the body and minimise the risk of injuries. These chairs provide excellent lumbar support, reducing pressure on the lower back and promoting proper posture. By minimising the effort required to stand up or sit down, riser chairs also alleviate strain on the knees and hips, making them an excellent choice for individuals with joint issues or limited mobility.

Factors to Consider When Choosing a Riser Chair

To ensure you find the perfect riser chair for your needs, several crucial factors should be taken into account:

Mobility and Accessibility Needs

Consider your specific mobility and accessibility needs. Assess whether you require a chair with a single motor or a dual motor mechanism. Single motor chairs generally offer synchronised movement for the backrest and footrest, while dual motor chairs provide independent control over these features. Furthermore, if you have limited space, wall-hugger riser chairs are designed to require minimal space for reclining.

Size and Weight Capacity of Riser Chair

The size and weight capacity of the chair are essential for both comfort and safety. Measure the available space in your room to ensure the chair fits appropriately. Additionally, check the weight capacity of the chair to ensure it can accommodate your weight comfortably. It’s crucial to select a chair that provides ample support without compromising on comfort.

Upholstery and Design Options

Consider the upholstery and design options available for the riser chair. Look for materials that are both durable and easy to clean, such as leather or high-quality fabric. Additionally, explore different design options to find a chair that complements your existing décor and personal style.

Control Mechanisms and Power Supply

Evaluate the control mechanisms and power supply of the riser chair. Determine whether the controls are easy to use and accessible, especially if you have dexterity issues. Additionally, consider whether the chair operates on battery power or requires a direct power connection. Battery-powered chairs offer flexibility in terms of placement, while direct power chairs ensure consistent functionality.

Additional Riser Chair Features and Accessories

Take note of any additional features and accessories that may enhance your overall experience. These could include built-in massage functions, heated seats, side pockets for storage, or even cup holders. Assess which features are important to you and prioritize accordingly.

Evaluating the Right Size and Fit of Your Riser Chair

Ensuring the right size and fit of your riser chair is crucial for optimal comfort and support. Consider the following aspects during the evaluation process:

Assessing Body Measurements and Proportions

Begin by measuring your body to understand your specific needs. Consider factors such as height, weight, and body proportions. These measurements will help guide you in selecting a chair that provides adequate support for your body type.

Determining the Ideal Seat Height and Depth of a Riser Chair

Seat height and depth of the chair play a vital role in comfort. The seat height should allow your feet to rest comfortably on the floor when seated, with your knees forming a 90-degree angle. The seat depth should be sufficient to provide support for your thighs without causing discomfort or pressure.

Considering Armrest Height and Width

Armrests contribute significantly to overall comfort and support. The height and width of the armrests should align with your body proportions, allowing your arms to rest comfortably. Ensure that the armrests do not hinder your ability to use the chair’s riser function effectively.

Assessing Backrest Height and Lumbar Support

The backrest height should provide adequate support for your entire back, especially the lower back (lumbar region). A chair with adjustable backrest height and lumbar support can be highly beneficial in achieving optimal comfort and reducing the risk of back pain.

Understanding Different Types of Riser Chair

Riser chairs come in various types, each offering unique features and benefits. Familiarise yourself with the different types to make an informed decision:

Single Motor Riser Chair

Single motor riser chairs offer synchronised movement for both the backrest and footrest. They are an excellent choice for individuals looking for simplicity and ease of use. However, they may not provide the same level of customisation and independent control as dual motor chairs.

Dual Motor Riser Chair

Dual motor riser chairs provide independent control over the backrest and footrest. This allows for greater flexibility in finding the perfect position for optimal comfort. If you prefer more customisation options and precise control over your chair’s movements, a dual motor chair may be the ideal choice.

Wall-Hugger Riser Chair

Wall-hugger riser chairs are specifically designed to require minimal space for reclining. They can be placed closer to the wall, making them suitable for smaller rooms or apartments. If space is a constraint, a wall-hugger chair can provide the functionality you need without sacrificing valuable room space.

Tilt-in-Space Riser Chair

Tilt-in-space riser chairs offer a unique tilting motion that maintains the angle between the seat and backrest while providing support to the entire body. This feature can be beneficial for individuals with specific medical conditions or those who require additional postural support.

Zero Gravity Riser Chair

Zero gravity riser chairs mimic the weightlessness experienced by astronauts in space. By elevating your feet above heart level, these chairs distribute your body weight evenly and relieve pressure on the spine and joints. Zero gravity chairs provide exceptional relaxation and comfort.

Customising Your Riser Chair

Customising your riser chair allows you to personalise it according to your preferences and style. Consider the following customisation options:

Choosing the Right Upholstery Material

Select an upholstery material that suits your comfort needs, durability expectations, and cleaning preferences. Leather offers a luxurious feel and is easy to clean, while high-quality fabric provides a wide range of design options.

Selecting Colours and Patterns of Your Riser Chair

Explore various colors and patterns available for your riser chair. Choose a color scheme that matches your existing furniture and décor, or opt for a statement piece that adds a pop of personality to your living space.

Exploring Additional Customisation Options

Some riser chair manufacturers offer additional customisation options, such as adjustable headrests, lumbar pillows, or memory foam padding. Assess these options to enhance your overall comfort and tailor the chair to your specific needs.

Testing and Trying Riser Chairs

Before making a final decision, it’s essential to test and try out different riser chairs to ensure the perfect fit. Here are some ways to do so:

Visiting Showrooms and Retailers

Visit local showrooms and retailers that specialise in mobility aids and furniture. Test out various models of riser chairs to get a feel for their comfort, ease of use, and functionality. Take your time and ask questions to understand the features and benefits of each chair.

Exploring Online Reviews and Recommendations

In addition to physical visits, read online reviews and recommendations from other customers. Real-life experiences can provide valuable insights and help you narrow down your options. Pay attention to comments regarding comfort, durability, and customer service.

Taking Advantage of Trial Periods and Warranties

Many reputable retailers offer trial periods or warranties for riser chairs. Take advantage of these offers to test the chair in your own home environment. This extended trial period allows you to assess the chair’s comfort and functionality over an extended period, ensuring it meets your expectations.

Ensuring Safety and Durability

Safety and durability are of utmost importance when choosing a riser chair. Consider the following factors:

Checking Safety Certifications and Standards

Verify that the riser chair meets relevant safety certifications and standards. Look for certifications such as CE (Conformité Européene) or BS EN (British Standard European Norm) to ensure the chair complies with essential safety regulations.

Evaluating Weight Capacities and Stability

Check the weight capacity of the chair to ensure it can safely support your body weight. Additionally, assess the chair’s stability to prevent any accidental tipping or wobbling during use.

Assessing Quality of Materials and Construction

Examine the quality of materials used in the chair’s construction. High-quality materials contribute to durability and longevity. Pay attention to the frame, mechanisms, and upholstery to ensure they can withstand regular use.

Considering Maintenance and Longevity

Consider the maintenance requirements and expected longevity of the riser chair. Opt for chairs that are easy to clean and require minimal upkeep. Additionally, choose chairs with a reputable track record for durability and long-term performance.

Financing and Insurance Options

Purchasing a riser chair can be a significant investment. Explore the following options to make it more manageable:

Exploring Payment Plans and Assistance Programs

Inquire about payment plans or financing options available through retailers or manufacturers. These plans allow you to spread the cost over a period, making the purchase more affordable. Additionally, some assistance programs or charities may offer financial aid or subsidies for mobility aids.

Checking Insurance Coverage for Riser Chairs

Review your insurance policy to determine if it covers the cost of a riser chair. Some health insurance policies or government initiatives may provide coverage for mobility aids. Check the specific terms and conditions to understand your eligibility.

Finalising Your Decision

When finalising your decision, consider the following:

Comparing Prices and Value for Money

Compare prices of different riser chairs while considering the features, quality, and after-sales support offered by each manufacturer. Remember that value for money is not solely based on the price tag but also on the overall quality and longevity of the chair.

Consulting Healthcare Professionals if Needed

If you have specific medical conditions or unique requirements, consult with healthcare professionals, such as physiotherapists or occupational therapists. They can offer valuable advice and recommendations based on your individual needs.

Making an Informed Purchase

After careful consideration of all the factors discussed, make an informed purchase decision that aligns with your preferences, budget, and mobility requirements. Place your order with a reputable retailer or manufacturer and ensure you have a clear understanding of the warranty and return policies.

Explore our full range of rise and recliner chairs online, or pop down to our showroom and store where you can consult with our expert team if you have any queries!